Thursday, July 12, 2007

Remote Starters Syracuse Ny

Brief annotations of Hell V

Ademir Jesus Morales Rojas

With reference to Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto V.

At the entrance of the second circle of Hell is the dreadful Minos. This demonic being examined for the sins of those who enter, and showcases their sentences by the number of times rotates its tail and sticks on itself. The number of segments of the outermost rings on the loathsome body, indicates the number of circle of hell to which sinners must be mailed to grieve. Mathematics of Minos
correspond to the earthly: and here a single number system can be expanded without limit, there in the queue Minos Hades, even though infinite, can not exceed the number of circles of torment that are the infernal architecture.
The only real difference between the two systems, is the incalculable pleasure experienced by the merciless judge, feeling on his back every new impact fustigante, each gently accumulation painful.

*** "Oh you who come into the house of pain! ... Looks like you go and who you trust, do not be fooled by the width of the entrance (to Hell)!" Undoubtedly

to Dante has been somewhat easier to follow that recommendation. But for us, for every reader of the Comedy, basking in his life, his own "house of pain" is vastly more complex to comply with this warning: not Virgil, or Beatriz some to intercede for one, do we stand with approached with humble confidence in our own passions and vices. Comes with mansedad
his unconditional comforting hug. ***

"We would to a place devoid of light ... the infernal whirlwind that never stops, wrapped in its vortex the spirits make them spin continuously stirred and bothers them: when faced with the dilapidated fence that encloses , that's when there are cries and cries and cries, and blasphemies against the Divine. "
Here Dante is completely disoriented, as described above is only our own world as seen from the outside.
( And by whom?) ***

Dante compares with starlings and cranes in flight, the tormented spirits by the winds of hell. But what if he actually saw were birds themselves? Did Hell just a place (rather than having a defined location) will be more a state of being (of being a morally saturate itself to be the world)? ***

"- Master, what are those souls who punished the black air ...?
- (Semiramis), the first one ... was Empress ... and was so given to the vice lust in their laws allowing everything that excites pleasure to hide so abjection in which he lived. "

Which confirms that Michel Foucault was right, and that laws and regulations of a given area, built at the same time the offender of the same subject.
( And this can be verified, even if Dante did not ask where to Foucault, by the way). ***

"And I saw (in Hell) to Helen (of Troy), which resulted in such dire times ..."

For the inevitable sin of being beautiful ... the eyes of others.

*** "... and also saw (convicted) the great Achilles, who finally had to fight for love (his friend Patroclus)."

For the final sin be Achilles himself, or allow to be ... openly.

*** "Just as two doves, excited by their desires, are engineered with open wings to the sweet, firm nest in the air carried by the same desire as well ... those two souls came toward us. "

Dante The sublime art has the wonderful uniqueness of overturning the order, normalcy, our perception and understanding simple : Your poetry seems to bring out the movements of life, reasons for its occurrence, and not vice versa.

*** "Oh to be funny and kind (Dante) who comes to visit in the middle of this air to which black We had the world in blood! "

Is that all translators of the Comedy, and even Dante himself, have refused to transcribe truly" blood "with" color "?

"Love led us to the very death." But surely Love

afterwards escaped to heaven.
Or the love of Love will be so great that loyally joined with adulterers Paolo and Francesca in eternal damnation?
And what then of all who sin out of love then?
Did you go to hell, without love it is justified and no reason (only / alone) just? ***

Paolo and Francesca are doomed in the circle of the lustful for adultery against the brother of Paolo, the lame and deformed, Lanciotto.
And if indeed the sin punished here incest was and not the marital deception?
What if lust, so naturally luciferin, sin was not in a place of sinners?
So is it the real torment for Paolo and Francesca, be together forever, with no merit? ***

"There is no greater pain than to remember the happy time in misery"

daunting as accurate phrase, as unfortunately unforgettable.

Copyright ©

Ademir Jesus Morales Rojas. All rights reserved.
Image taken from William Blake:


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