Thursday, July 26, 2007

Aflac Maternity For Men

dimensions in light of Hell VI-La Gula

Ademir Jesus Morales Rojas

With reference to Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto VI.

"I am in the third circle, in the rain eternal, accursed, cold and dense, it also always falls heavy and with the same force. Thick hail, snow and dark water overflowing descend through the darkness, the land upon receipt exhales a pestilential smell. "

Ultimately, what is punished in hell just this area, is being very hungry. Infected water hailstones given to the earth to satisfy their craving and infinite are again raised to the sky by the heat of the flames, but may not allude to the sterile attempt to be more even, the desire to satisfy unredeemed coast of what is, that fool appetite breaths and exhalations, which ultimately hopelessly lost, wandering in the wind. ***

"Cerberus, cruel and monstrous beast, with its three jaws barking dog against offenders who are there submerged."

And these sad beings, however suffer the torment practiced by the dreaded demon, have the bittersweet comfort of knowing that, with three enormous mouths and eager, the hunger of hell Can always going to be more unbearable, and pressing, that his own anxiety of being redeemed. ***

"has red eyes, black hair and stubby, wide belly and legs trimmed with nail nails in esíritus, they tear the skin and butchers. The rain makes them howl like dogs. "

Therefore, torture imposed for the Wolverines might be, to contemplate her most secret desires, devilishly embodied in the Beast: a creature who in their greed has wantonly transgresses all due respect , of all dignity. It is useless as a hunting dog howl, being at once the dam itself, like the hare enjoyed in painful agony, blowing greyhound. ***

"When we found out Cerberus, the great worm, opened their mouths, teaching tusks, all members were restless. Then my guide held out his hands, took earth, and threw handfuls into the hungry maw of the beast. And just as a dog barking breaks and subsides when it bites its prey, occupied only in devouring, so the demon Cerberus closed its impure mouths ... "

do not think that Dante in this passage, he wanted to express his personal vision of death itself, presenting it as an infinite yearning, blind and voracious also symbolized the deadly beast, the transcript of great worm of the tombs themselves consumed doggedly and desperately, to engulf the earth itself that favorable. ***

"- Who are you, so sad that place has been taken, and sentenced to a punishment, that if there is no greater, certainly not so bad?
"Your city (Florence) ... I saw you in her womb ... the inhabitants of that city, I called Ciacco. For the reprehensible sin of gluttony, I am as you see, suffering is rain. I'm not the only sad soul here, all others are doomed to the same penalty for the same cause. "

Ciacco-which means" pig "- was a buffoon who took pains always make the others laugh with his witty conversation, but was both very man given to appetite. Ciacco Unfortunate! serving society gossip for the fierce Florence, while living, then dead, feeding the frenzy of punishment of the demons in the underworld.
... when the personal nature than the very existence ...

the poor Dante expresses his martyrdom Ciacco moves him greatly, but then asks him about the political future of Florence. We may have finally discovered, which bears the soul of Dante earned his immortality, because the large jaws of Cerberus always have room for unrestrained voracious omens, and the bite is more sharp, the more you meet the (unwanted and confessed) dire predictions. ***

"But when you get to the sweet world, I beg you to do because it renewed my memory."

Because then maybe, just sweet world evoked is the only accessible and truly authentic: the world memories, nostalgia ephemeral, that very time to think them, and succeeded, and where possible to perceive only fleetingly, as well as Giorgio Colli said, the immediacy of representations of things that touch us, the essence of life, imperfectly captured in this myriad of nostalgia. World
wistful shadow of a past more fully, that of the living, the same thirst that you have the inhabitants of Dante's Inferno. Hungry for satisfaction of belonging that is never made, nor even perhaps in the silence that fills the very absence of being. ***

"... each one will then find his dismal tomb, will regain its steaks and figure, and hear the trial that should resonate for all eternity."

... back to taste the food that we know harmful, but is irresistible, the more we approach the moment when it is too late to stop ...

*** "The more perfect a thing the greater good or experiencing pain. Although this accursed race should never reach true perfection, after the trial is expected to be more perfect than now. "

Well, it is possible that the trial has already taken place without us even noticed it, because the perfection achieved by our pain and bitterness, digestive fateful moment's rest for no return, that is coming, we saturated the senses entirely satisfied and the soul numb ... Hallelujah!

Copyright © Jesús Morales Rojas. All rights reserved.

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