Friday, March 4, 2005

Guy How Make Nose Look Smaller

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De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre.

Un weblog Also called blog or log is a web site where messages are collected chronologically one or more authors on a particular topic or as a personal diary, preserving the author's freedom to leave published creating relevant.

There are many tools that allow maintenance of blogs, many of them free, without need for high technical expertise to manage the entire weblog, coordinate, delete or rewrite articles, moderating comments from readers, ..., in a almost as easy as managing e-mail.

There are some elements that tend to be common in weblogs, such as a list of links to other weblogs (commonly referred blogroll), an archive of previous entries, permanent links (permalinks) for anyone to quote (linking) a note, or a function that to add comments.

In some cases the notes or stories do they allow trackback , a reverse link that allows, basically, to know that someone has linked our post, and warn one another weblog that we are quoting one of his posts, all trackbacks automatically displayed following the story, along with the comments.

Another feature of weblogs is the multiplicity of formats that are published. Apart from HTML, usually include some means syndicate, ie to be read by a program that can include data from many different media. Generally used RSS for syndication, but in 2004 started to become popular also Atom.

A peculiarity that distinguishes them from news sites is that annotations often include multiple links to other web pages (not necessarily weblogs) as references or for more information.

also differ in their economic support, news sites or newspapers Digital usually managed by professionals, while weblogs are mostly personal and even in some cases may be included in a digital newspaper or be a corporate blog, are usually written by an author determined that mantentienen usually their own identity.

Some variants of the weblog are fotolog, the vlogs (video blogs), the audioblogs and moblog (from mobile phones).

The term weblog was coined by Jorn Barger in December 1997 of .

Glossary Entry
unit publishing a blog. English is called "post." Draft
input is entered into the system of publication, but have not yet been published. Usually choose to save a post as a draft when you think corrergirla or extend before publication. Fotoblog
Apr. Photo blog. Permalink
Apr. Permalink. The unique URL is assigned to each entry in the logbook, which should be used to bind.

See also

  • RSS, syndication format used in weblogs, among others.


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