Tuesday, March 8, 2005

Cb Midland Alan 42 Multi

blogger Blogs in secondary schools and school newspapers

OS in the network can see interesting examples of blogs in education, then we show an example of one such experience


http://tutoria4b.acelblog.com/ Bitacora Course 4B IES María de Molina.

http://grammaticus.acelblog.com/ blog for use by students in Latin of IES Santiago Apostle.

Abismalia log for students of New Technologies in the IES María Guerrero

Blog http://geneura.ugr.es/MT/DyEC/ Teacher Course Design and Evaluation of STD settings Computer Engineering (University of Granada).

2dmanjon is a blog for students of 13-14 years 2 ESO IES Padre Manjón (Granada). which will reflect all those things that happen daily.
students Audiovisual Design course at the Faculty of Communication (University of Navarra) given by Jose Luis Orhiuela which focused on the development of weblogs of students as a tool for digital literacy and regular system of class work . This article the teacher has the experience as it developed.

http://blogia.com/orientasiloe Notebook aboard the Guidance Department. IES Diego de Siloam


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