Thursday, March 10, 2005
Donate Blood Fl, Free
software Resources are many, but where we can find. Here we suggest some links that collect this type of software.
educational software freely available on the Web CNICE, PNTIC.
This is a list of suggested educational Free Software Gleducar community to test it.
Communication and Education Center has compiled the educational software available online. VIDEOCONFERENCE
Gilpin, Fidelity, Merrimack
PFP Course: NEW INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES AND COMMUNICATION "virtual meeting with the faculty of the Year." Date: 10/3/2005. Time: 16:00. Duration: 90 min.
Participants: Carlos Buson
Sara Romo Miguel Osuna
Tuesday, March 8, 2005
Itching Post Gallbladder Surgery
Blogger is one of the tools to develop more established in blogs the world of blogs, there are many experiences of publishing materials for teachers, ease of use and versatility are an incentive to be published when our educational materials. Comments / Links / Ideas on Blogging and Learning Online Space for short story lovers. Log on didactics, literature, digital era and the silence of the rest. ICT Curriculum Integration
Cb Midland Alan 42 Multi
OS in the network can see interesting examples of blogs in education, then we show an example of one such experience Bitacora Course 4B IES María de Molina. blog for use by students in Latin of IES Santiago Apostle.
Abismalia log for students of New Technologies in the IES María Guerrero
Blog Teacher Course Design and Evaluation of STD settings Computer Engineering (University of Granada).
2dmanjon is a blog for students of 13-14 years 2 ESO IES Padre Manjón (Granada). which will reflect all those things that happen daily.
students Audiovisual Design course at the Faculty of Communication (University of Navarra) given by Jose Luis Orhiuela which focused on the development of weblogs of students as a tool for digital literacy and regular system of class work . This article the teacher has the experience as it developed. Notebook aboard the Guidance Department. IES Diego de Siloam
Use Headset 3,5mm To Landline
by Glen Bull, Gina Bull, and Sara Kajder
The Weblog is an online journal. The phenomenon of weblogs or "blogs" as they are known colloquially, appeared in the late 90's. These are updated regularly, as with the daily paper (several times a week) and usually focus on a specific topic or area that is of interest to the poster.
Initially, the creation of a "Blog" required knowledge of HTML [1]. But in 1999 some companies started to offer free software for publication. One of the best known is " Blogger [2] which now has more than one million registered users. (Editor's Note: For the above and other Web addresses, please see the "resources" at the end). Other services of this type include " Xanga " and "Live Journal " open source project that has been developed with volunteers. There are now hundreds of thousands of "bloggers" (users) that regularly publish the number of active participants grows daily.
The "Blogs" feature a media more structured than a mailing list [3] and more focused than a discussion group [4]. The structure creates a framework for interactions (networks) and active social basic desire of people to network and communicate. The thousands of people who join this initiative each week, are evidence of the potential of this new medium. In addition, the ability for instruction is great. TERMINOLOGY
The term "Web log" originally referred to an online journal published on the Internet. Later the two words "Web" and "Log", is compressed into a single word, "weblog" and then the previous one, it became a very short word: "blog". "Weblog" is so far a noun in common use. A writer could then comment, "I updated my weblog this morning." The act of writing a "Weblog" is called "blogging." By extension, a person who writes a Weblog is a "blogger." The space in which a succession of "blogs" called "blogosphere."
To create "Blogs" you can use different tools. We recommend resources as "Esential Blogging (Essential Resource for electronic diaries) of Cory Doctorow and others, which give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe range of tools that are used frequently. "Blogger offers a free online tool that allows writers to create their electronic journals (Blogs) after a simple registration process that essentially asks for a contact email.
Web Sites as "Blogger" help you quickly build your own journal, working with electronic templates to be responsible for the design so that the user can concentrate on writing. During registration, users are encouraged to give it a name to the site of its electronic journal (blog). The text window will enter the suffix "" For example, a blog devoted to the topic of newspapers may call: perió
Each time the user goes to add text, a window appears. The text is entered in the bottom of the screen and the date can be put in a space on the right.
Once the text has been entered and is ready to be sent, the user selects the "send and publish (post and publish) in the upper right corner of the screen. This text published in the journal (Blog) the user, which can be accessed at the web address previously selected.
To illustrate how this practice is in the classroom, it is important to consider how newspapers can be a challenge for students to write. Outside the classroom, the papers provide a space for thinking ideas. Ideally, the writer of a newspaper considers or takes account of new ideas as they connect what they already know. The journals provide a space that encourages risk taking. To guide students in writing, it must also offer rich opportunities and real spaces in which to write.
Following these principles, we offered the possibility of electronic journals (blogs) to teachers who were trained on a course in technology education. These students discussed their ideas on media and literacy. Read and explored online texts offered by the Smithsonian Institution (Smithsonian Institute) in Digital Archives September 11. Each student answers fed electronic diary "blog" and encouraged him to publish a text whenever you produce ideas or reactions. They shared comments and feedback given to peers using email. Coincidentally they were completing this task, started the Gulf War, which offered a unique experience of reading as students analyze the images, sound files and text that is presented with this file.
The letters provided by this experience proved to have a high degree of response. Students admitted to the facilities offered in the digital archive, both past memories and their needs for the present and future. During class, they described the experience as distressing but necessary to their lives outside the classroom. Brandon, one of the students made no distinction between work as a writer and observer work, he explained, "I feel the images in the context of we're doing now and I can not stop thinking about what is legal or illegal action. "
Beth, another student, did not write about the details of the images, but what these will produce "as much as I try to resist the images I see, they refuse to leave me and let me not deny what is happening ".
Each electronic diaries (blogs) of the students had multiple entries, all these texts are used to connect the events that were happening with creenciaspropias, rather than as writers found powerful and led them to create daily electronic (blogs) additional unrelated to the content of the class. Many students said they had begun to see themselves as writers and this led them to create the other day that allowed them to explore their own context spaces outside the classroom.
electronic diaries (blogs) tend to be public spaces that encourage the exchange of ideas in a community. Reinventing the purposes of instruction, tools Blogging can be adapted for private use of students. In this context, teachers and other students can read the electronic journal (blog) but this is not included in a directory and is housed in one direction only distributes the writer. A skeptical student said, "because I know that other people will read what I've posted here, I'll probably set aside part of what I'm thinking about what I've seen."
To reduce the prejudices and create a safer environment for those who write, suggest that students check their electronic journal (Blog) and private, at the time of registration. The same student suspicious, he later wrote "The electronic journal (Blog) is allowing me to communicate ideas that do not share openly in class."
We take a few moments of our discussion in class face to face to establish a community and ensure that student writers will select the community would have access to their work.
no pressure on them, the students included in their publications, archives of images and sounds of both the Digital Archives of September 11 and their own resources, they found that the original files should be there to frame their responses. Beth said about "If we leave everything to the imagination, it will seem that the events have nothing to do with our lives. When the image is present, there is no escape. "
"Blogger" offers an audio publishing service that lets writers make a phone call and then sticking to electronic journal (blog) as a voice file. This feature allowed students to express ideas that would not otherwise shared. Shannon, for example, who made a publication on the fear that "to forget the 11 September as soon spend the wave news" was that although he did not feel safe to express this idea in written words, this was part of what I thought and should serve as a connector for the rest of the paper. Subsequently published, "talk allowed me to express myself in a way that appeared safe and also allowed my real voice appeared on the page."
speak of a revolution
When using the Internet, educators are not only in her teaching including electronic diaries (blogs) but are publishing their own ideas and thoughts on the applications of these in the classroom, and reinventions student learning. In this case teachers are talking with other teachers about what works, what does not and what looks promising. One of those teachers, Will Richardson has a lively and valuable site dedicated to the use of electronic journals (blogs) in education.
What is printed covers a wide range, ranging from reflections to give instruction to management tips. The site also offers a list of links on development, which highlights exemplary applications in the classroom and students' writings.
The form of expression change as technology evolves, but the underlying motivation remains the same. AB Dick Company sold the first Mimeograph, 1900. Hugo Hernsback launched the first science fiction magazine (Amazing Stories) in 1926 and took a gamble ... included a comment section and it published the full address of the people who sent letters to enable them to communicate directly with each other. This resulted orogen Correspondents Club of Science, which published the first magazine of fans, The Comet (The Comet) in 1930. Hundreds of publications of these were reproduced in mimeograph and fulfilled the same function for today's electronic journals (blogs). By 1960 the above publications expressed political views, literary and critical experiments to rock and roll.
As the Internet became popular in the 90's, evolved many forms of expression. These included the mailing lists [3], discussion groups [4] "The Well "and" CompuServe "and newsgroups" Usenet. " All these technologies provide mechanisms for interactive discussion.
the "Blogging", in a sense, has its roots in the same motivations for amateur writers to develop the "zines" (amateur communications) handwritten in purple stencil spotted the 30 . These publications, electronic or paper, usually performed without compensation, represent a labor of love.
A question of interest to educators is how and how, will be able to use this opportunity to reach future learning goals. Often, teachers narrow the space available for students to write, ask questions that produce an inescapable vacuum where he ask students to write about topics that are far from understanding. We
daily role in our classes and watch as they remain stored in the bottom of lockers (lockers). Almost never work as stimulating spaces that invite you to write, in which students interact closely with the texts. On the contrary, think and write in them becomes forced unwelcome and meaningless.
electronic diaries (blogs) offer a different tool and the potential to reinvent the work done with the daily paper in the classroom, challenging students and teachers to think of ways to write authentic. Electronic newspapers (Blogs) sue media publications, writing concise, accurate, regular and timely responses and a new and exciting way to engage students. SUMMING
What makes this an innovation with the potential to transform the work done in the classroom? The answer focuses on the power of the media. More developed than mailing lists and more intimate discussion groups, electronic diaries (blogs) may offer chat rooms for student readers, writers and thinkers that transcends what we have hitherto known.
Meg Hourihan, where electronic column sums it up this way: electronic journals (blogs) offer a framework in the same way the haiku [5] brings order to the words. The structure of the documents we're creating allows us to build our social networks (distributed conversations, a list of messages that travel and friendships that begin online and consolidated at a dinner devoted to electronic journals in the real world). As diarists Electronics (Bloggers) are in the middle and enjoying an evolution of communication. Traits or characteristics of the "Weblogs" mentioned above are possibly going to change and evolve as the tools improve and mature technology. What is important is that we are accepting an environment free of physical limitations of paper pages, the interference of publishers and tedious delays of publishing systems. As with freedom of expression, what we say is not as important as the means by which we speak.
When Tim Berners-Lee conceived the Web, dreamed as a space which give both reading and writing. Browsers proved to be easier to develop than the editing tools. He was surprised and concerned with the fact that users will find it necessary to directly edit HTML code. Result of this was what he called "half only for reading." The new tools of "Blogging" lead us much closer to the original intent of literacy means. Bring
"Blogs" to the classroom challenges us to answer some difficult questions. What is communicated through electronic diaries (blogs)? What rules must be followed? Does this have any application in the form we communicate and share meanings in the open language? How we led the students to share and respond to comments other students told them? What multitextual provide the resources that the Network offers to the talks contained in Blogs? How do readers and writers who have difficulties could work on this kind of writing space differently than they do with the printing? Messages that are shared, open-mindedness, the accessibility of the way ... add to a form of communication that deserves exploration.
ONLINE RESOURCES Electronic file on September 11: Blogger: Live Journal: Meg Hourihan: http://www.oreillynet .com/pub/a/javascript/2002/06/13/megnut.html Will Richardson's Blog: Xanga : / weblogs
ESPAÑOLeCuaderno: Book Notes: earful: http: / / / ALD: El Colombiano:
[1] HTML, English acronym of Hyper Text Markup Language (hypertext markup language) is a computer language designed to structure and present text as hypertext, which is the format standard web pages. With the type browsers Explorer or Netscape, HTML has become one of the most popular formats exist to document construction. HTML uses tags or marks, consisting of brief instructions for beginning and end, by which it determines how the text should appear, as well as images and other elements in computer screen.
[2] Blogger was created by three friends in 1999 as a small company in San Francisco, USA. It was recently acquired by Google, which has focused on providing people around the world the opportunity to publish their own views on the issue that decides to create his digital diary.
[3] Mailing List: Internet option that allows people to contact by e-mail and mass distribute information to multiple users simultaneously. Not all uses of this option brings benefits are often used as lists of thousands or even millions of email addresses for sending junk mail or spam.
[4] A Discussion Group: is an online forum in which participants feel adding messages to the forum. The term is similar to Usenet newsgroups. Usenet is an old set of newsgroups that still have traffic, but other alternatives have emerged that use the WWW through the discussion group.
[5] Haiku: Japanese poem with three lines. The first line contains five syllables, the second seven and the third five.
CREDITS: Translation by Eduteka the original article "Writing with Weblogs" by Glen Bull, Gina Bull, and Sara Kajder, published in Issue 1 of Volume 31 of the journal Learning & Leading with Technology ( ).
Publication of this document Eduteka: June 05 2004.Última modify this document: June 5, 2004.
Cubefeild Digyourowngrave
Examples Here we propose some examples of blogs that can be helpful when drawing up our own blog diaries
examples: a boy - girl - a mother
examples to say: a columnist - policy -
booklet examples to learn: astronomy - music - examples biology
travel notes: mato grosso -
examples technological issues: web design - programming -
linux examples cultural and educational, history - study - examples
poetry art and entertainment: cinema - on TV - Travel
Examples: Kids words - with fans
Recipe Pasta Valveeta Ch
Blogs are converting In an interesting resource that can be applied in the classroom, then you are some of those experiences: Blogs
ciberlingua blogspots
Academic blogs Educational blogs
e-learning - Tele
Praxis Educational Blogger Network
Edublog News
e-learning, knowledge networking
Fabian Blog d'
a profession
Letter Of Intent Grad School
How to read many weblogs in minutes?
Syndication Manual for webloggers.
1. What is syndication?
minutes Serves to know who updated his weblog and how.
Surely, on a regular basis and within your means, crossing several popular weblogs to see what's new in each one of them. With the syndication
you know within minutes from your favorite weblogs, who wrote something, when, what title put and the first words of it. Then if you're interested, go directly to the article on the weblog, you end up reading it and if you told him so. Used to find weblogs
the topics that interest me.
Suppose you like the band "The always-tune" (do not look, there is only an example :-). Or are you a supporter of sports equipment "Breathless." (Nor is there, drowned all
:-) Then you visit a site every few minutes to scroll through thousands of weblogs, enter the names of the band or sports team, and show you what other bloggers wrote about them. If there are no results, it's time to do write something yourself (or change of taste in music or sports equipment)
serves to "census" the opinion of the bloggers on a topic
time something important happened in your town, country or world. Suppose now seek chemical weapons in my country, Uruguay, and we unleash the war (¡?). With the above mechanism would look for the words "war Uruguay" and would know immediately and updated as what has been written about it. Note that the finders
normally can not give you that information. Take several days to pass through the different websites to "read" the news to update their databases.
serves to understand that we are the world's navel Continuing
search that way, we could try to find our name, for example, and note that neither our brother, we mentioned on your blog ... :-(
If we are a public person (artist, athlete, union, professional, political, etc ...) probably is followed. It is therefore important to learn quickly, to enhance our ego or to exercise the right to reply :-)
serves to receive an email when someone wrote about what interests us
Imagine now that the public person above, available in any tool that will immediately send an email when you have news. Thus
further shorten the delay in learning.
serves to get more readers on our weblog
of previous earnings, it appears another way to find weblogs.
Therefore, the more chance we have also to be found, visited and commented!
serves to place on the edge of your recent weblog post from your friend.
probably one of the edges have a list of your favorite weblogs. You could add the date of last update for each one, the title of the last article, or the commencement.
Fits ...
2. How does the association?
a) Sharing information
The first step is to make available other weblogs, applications or programs, our latest entries posted.
Depending on the type of program or service you're using in our weblog, posting a new article (post), modified and / or create multiple files: main, by subject category, per month, individual articles, etc.. Also be creating a small file that serves this great way of sharing information.
Each system has its own way of creating it, the result is an RSS feed, RDF, XML, ATOM, etc. No matter what, they all serve.
This is a text file will have inside information from the past say that fifteen entries (posts) in your weblog. For each item will
The title of the link to the full article on our weblog
The first paragraphs of Article
The date and time of creation
may also have other information such as title, author, and description of the weblog, link to our logo, etc..
The most interesting is that you create will have no programming skills whatsoever. All modern systems and services weblogs do automatically and without our intervention.
Bloggers: from January 22, 2004 will have the option to syndicate by ATOM records. To activate it you must go to the section Site Feed Settings on the weblog and make the requested changes.
Users of Movable Type, everything works fine. If you are motivated you can make some improvements, as recommended in Bitá .
b) Reading the information
Different types of applications may take part now. As services on some websites, programs to install on your computer, scripts to add our own website.
These applications will access files created prior organize and act accordingly:
Verify if changed. If it does not do anything, because there is no news
If there changes, read all the information they contain.
filed the information in its database to ofrecérnosla without delay when requested.
Iran seeking to organize other files to start again.
will revisit our database to organize. The frequency happen again depends on the time set in the application, the speed with which it does, the amount of work you have, etc.
c) Processing information
It then provides a very up to date database with information in the articles of weblogs desired.
Now is the time when the same application above or another, can perform any of the actions we describe the principle : Learn in minutes
who updated his weblog and how. Find
weblogs to the topics that interest me.
census the opinion of the bloggers on a topical issue.
Find information about a particular topic.
Send us an email when someone wrote about what we want.
Place on the edge of your recent weblog post from your friend.
Etc. ..
3. Reading Tools to Organize
Two-readable form, using a program installed on your computer or using some online service. You have
Explanations of these in Castilian on the most popular desktop : Feedreader, NewsMonster, RssReader, NewsDesk, AmphetaDesk. You can also visit
downloads on Softonic which also in our language have several programs. What are free, what are the limitations, user comments, etc. Castilian
An instructional on how to install a single, the Feedreader: By becoming addicted to RSS in 5 steps
A list in English Options "feed readers" with subjective comments from the author's experience.
Other tests in English:
Lockergnome's RSS Resource Rss Readers
Online applications are ideal for anyone who refers weblogs in different PC:
The Sindicó (in Castilian)
Bloglines (in English) is the one I use and recommend for now.
Feedmanía (in Castilian) another highly recommended in our language
4. Finding the right file
Once you have the program installed or you are registered with an online reader, it is now time to indicate what we want to syndicate weblogs. To do this, we must seek some reference to the file association.
Look at the end of side edge, some of these texts: RDF, RSS, XML, ATOM, syndicate, syndicate, feed, etc.
There is the link to that weblog syndication.
This direction, which then add them to your application for updates quickly.
If you are not
If there is anything of it, then you can write to the author asking, If you have no idea what you are saying, I refer to this manual :-). The learn, so everyone will have the chance to meet.
Sometimes we will not know which file to use, but will clear the program or service that you use to publish. If Movable Type, looking . If is on Blogger, then searches the atom.xml file in the root of the weblog.
We leave the most common names used by major publishing systems:
File Created with
b2rss.php B2, b2rss2.php, b2rss.xml,
Blogger atom.xml
module.php? mod = node & op = feed Movable Type
index.xml, index.rdf, PHP-Nuke
pMachine PostNuke
Radio UserLand
Sharing list: OPML
To make things easier is that it created another file type: the OPML. It would be something like a list of favorite weblogs each.
So if I have a list of weblogs in a particular subject, I can offer for anyone to use in their application to organize and thus in one step, including all the weblogs I've collected without having to search and enter them one at one.
For example, we have a list of weblogs Uruguayans are unionizing so that anyone can add to your application.
addition, this file will have a backup that will also allow us to spend our subscriptions to a different program we want to use.
Other novel uses you can find them in this note :
5. Optimizing our notes: Title and header
As readers have many weblogs to read, we should try to facilitate rapid information. Therefore it is important to summarize all the content using the title and header as to provide an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat will the rest of the entry (post).
The title must achieve attention and announce the main thing. Generally have no more than 8 or ten words.
header: this means the first paragraph. In many systems of weblogs is a separate field, which will then link "read more". The header must be achieved to encourage the reader to continue reading the rest. Should not usually be more than thirty words. Organise
With more than ever, these two elements will define how read our notes.
6. References:
online syndication. The second Internet revolution
What is RSS and what is
RSS for beginners
Syndication and aggregation of content via RSS
organizing tips (RSS) - If you use Movable Type, not stop reading. Translation
the Castilian of documents related to Atom
RSS History and Origin of Uses
eXtensible Markup Language (XML)
Eco Project: Beyond RSS
By becoming addicted to RSS in 5 steps
RSS, Atom, Gemini: What is this? Playing
OPML files
Olders Womenlove Mandingo
Iran bans blogs Daniel Rodríguez Herrera
judicial authorities Iranian have ordered ISPs to block access of the nationals of the country to services such as PersianBlog , Blogger, or BlogSky BlogRolling. Besides banning the blogs, have expressed concern that the Iranians are using social networking sites like Orkut or Yahoo Personals also preventing its use. It should be noted that the Internet is extremely popular in Iran. is estimated that the Persian is the fourth most used language on blogs, there are about 64,000 in that language by 26,000 in English. They are the third nation with the most users on Orkut, 7% of the total, after Brazil and the United States.
The monopoly that the Islamic regime has kept the media has prevented them appear in the increasingly critical need for the ayatollahs. Intellectuals, academics, writers and journalists have been without means with which to express their ideas, giving rise to a certain apathy that certainly comes in handy to the interests of Islamic totalitarianism in power. It is in this context that the Internet and blogs have become so important in Iran: they are a relatively free and safe place to carry out the political debate that the closure of newspapers and opposition parties has prevented the carrying out by means more traditional. Internet has become Achilles Heel in the control of the dictatorship.
However, Amnesty International, more concerned perhaps video games, has not yet expressed their rejection, your news page is headed by two reports from Guantanamo. In contrast, the U.S. broadcaster for the Voice of America foreign , along with Radio Farda , carry more than a year hiring Anonymizer resources to enable the Iranians to skip his government restrictions imposed on them. Every day, these radios communicate to his listeners the proxy server address through which evade the control government. Routinely, access to them is prohibited, which forces us to change directions and re-emitted by the radio. Therefore, this new twist will not destroy the Iranian blogosphere, just make it more difficult to access it.
Meanwhile, cyber-activists silent. Daniel Rodríguez Herrera
editor of Programming Castilian.
Friday, March 4, 2005
Vinegar Nail Fungusburning
There are many visual experiences with blogs or photoblogs as they are sometimes called, some of them allow through collaboration of the users build the content, we suggest you visit two interesting experiences of this kind.
Cicite Na Milena Velda
http://es. / wiki / Fotolog FotologFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Fotolog
(or photoblog) is a variant of weblog, which is basically a photo gallery regularly published by one or more authors. Usually next to the photo owner fotolog makes comments regarding it and in some cases technical data are stored as the type of camera. It is also important date, because in most fotologs the number of photos per day is limited. Fotologs normally accept comments on the guestbook form. The
fotologs can be divided into two categories: those aimed at photo enthusiasts and those used to form communities.
Fotologs made photography lovers
almost always is a site owned by a single person, ie you can not create other fotologs on the same site.
A then named some sites that compile lists of fotologs created for artistic purposes.
- ( ) list of links to fotologs. In English. Has an associated wiki: .
- Photo Friday ( ) Every Friday is a photographic challenge (such as childhood ( challenge/000261.php ) or loneliness ( ) ). Participants sent a link to your own photoblog and then users select the most outstanding photos. In English.
- ( ) English site with 3,400 photographs, created in May 2003.
- bitadir ( ) Directory weblogs. The link shows more Photoblogs, that was 60 fotologs 14/02/1904. In English.
Fotologs seeking photographers and communities get
Two of the most popular fotologs providers are directed to an international audience Anglophone eager to publicize their pictures, yet most users are young people, which include Brazilian and Chilean, eager to form communities.
- ( ) almost 930,000 users, of which 35% are Brazilian. The second most users is Chile (9%), the fourth is Argentina (4.4%) and the fifth is Spain (1.6%). The following quote partly justifies the assertion that photographers prefer communities [1] ( # artistic ) Is it necessary that my photos are art? No. You can be the subject of your choice. But if you are consistent and try to post a photo every day, we bet you'll begin to find topics interesting and unusual approaches and thus begin to be a photographer getting better.
- ( ) Belgian site (also called with nearly 72,000 users. The country with the most members is Chile (38%). The interface is in English and has a newsletter in English, English and Portuguese. Although this site is free, and which in practice is used to form communities, their owners hope that users are photographers and pay $ 5 for 6 months of membership. Here [2] ( # engels ) say For people who are looking for a free solution: please open a free account elsewhere. PhotoBlog is looking for photographers committed to the ambition to build a portfolio and a network of valuable contacts.
Fotologs facts to form communities
These sites fotologs thousand, in which users can post their favorite fotologs, encouraging people to know the friends of their friends, similar to what makes Orkut. Such
photoblog is a fad among teenagers. The only statistic available age [3] ( ) is the , a site that discourages the use of communities. However, 58% of members are under 18 years. It is possible that other sites specifically devoted to a young audience, the figure is even higher.
Below are some sites whose creators claim that users express their personality and form communities.
- brasil flog ( ) calling itself "the largest community fotologuera the world", has more than 720,000 users. In Portuguese.
- Terra: their slogan is "Show the world who you are." Terra Brasil ( ) More than 280,000 users. In Portuguese. Terra Chile ( ) More than 43,000 users. These sites allow uploading photos by SMS . There are also in English fotologs Terra Argentina ( ) , Terra Colombia ( ) , United States Terra ( ) , Terra Mexico ( ) and Terra Venezuela ( ) .
- ( ) More than 95,000 users. On its Web principal say "vulture with the largest online community of vultures." The vulture is a vulture and speech Chilean Chilean jotear is loitering near a person with intent to conquistrarla or flirt. In other words, the purpose of this site is to admire women or young men and write in their guestbooks.
- about 68,000 users. It was founded on November 26, 2003 and its first version came to nearly 40,000 users. On September 29, 2004 deleted all users and started from scratch.
- ( ) Chilean site closed in late November 2004, when exceeded los 10.000 usuarios.
- es·f·LOG ( ) Sitio español con 2.500 usuarios. El 5/8/04 en su página decían "ya era hora de que hubiese uno en español para todos nosotros!". En ese momento ya existían, y
Las estadísticas son del 7-01-05.
Guy How Make Nose Look Smaller
Tomado de:
De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre.
Un weblog Also called blog or log is a web site where messages are collected chronologically one or more authors on a particular topic or as a personal diary, preserving the author's freedom to leave published creating relevant.
There are many tools that allow maintenance of blogs, many of them free, without need for high technical expertise to manage the entire weblog, coordinate, delete or rewrite articles, moderating comments from readers, ..., in a almost as easy as managing e-mail.
There are some elements that tend to be common in weblogs, such as a list of links to other weblogs (commonly referred blogroll), an archive of previous entries, permanent links (permalinks) for anyone to quote (linking) a note, or a function that to add comments.
In some cases the notes or stories do they allow trackback , a reverse link that allows, basically, to know that someone has linked our post, and warn one another weblog that we are quoting one of his posts, all trackbacks automatically displayed following the story, along with the comments.
Another feature of weblogs is the multiplicity of formats that are published. Apart from HTML, usually include some means syndicate, ie to be read by a program that can include data from many different media. Generally used RSS for syndication, but in 2004 started to become popular also Atom.
A peculiarity that distinguishes them from news sites is that annotations often include multiple links to other web pages (not necessarily weblogs) as references or for more information.
also differ in their economic support, news sites or newspapers Digital usually managed by professionals, while weblogs are mostly personal and even in some cases may be included in a digital newspaper or be a corporate blog, are usually written by an author determined that mantentienen usually their own identity.
Some variants of the weblog are fotolog, the vlogs (video blogs), the audioblogs and moblog (from mobile phones).
The term weblog was coined by Jorn Barger in December 1997 of .
Glossary Entry
- unit publishing a blog. English is called "post." Draft
- input is entered into the system of publication, but have not yet been published. Usually choose to save a post as a draft when you think corrergirla or extend before publication. Fotoblog
- Apr. Photo blog. Permalink
- Apr. Permalink. The unique URL is assigned to each entry in the logbook, which should be used to bind.