Light program Manufacturing Process of Potato Chips. Making French Fries As Chipss. Process techniques and recommendations. Business Opportunity: How to fit a Mini Potato Chips Factory: Small Chips Products Industries, Bananas summing-Sweet-Cassava-Juca-Green Mango-Mani-Chestnut-banana-plantain, etc.
Option Business Opportunity : Small Industries Products Chips, Dry Fried.
Chips French fries, add the Banana-Sweet-Cassava-Juca-Green Mango-Mani.
The market for french fries as a proposal 100% natural product, comes in vertical growth, standing as a very suitable option for micro and small industries, which offer the version of the traditional flavor, coupled with manufacturing varieties such as cassava fries, fried banana and others.
Proposal for Installation of a small factory:
Products: French Fries Chips, Cassava, Bananas etc..
Productive for Your Business, Your Mini Chips Factory
salonemprendedor@yahoo.com Factory Building for Mini Chips Processing Unit
: 100/150/200/300/400 Kg / day
Potato Production: 1.000/5.000 Packages of 20 g / day.
Other Capabilities consult the Salon Entrepreneur .
Process Equipment to Manufacture Potato Chips. 01. A potato scrubber: This equipment is essential for potatoes very thoroughly washed and disinfected to the process, we recommend that stainless steel is equipped with three pools and mounted on a minimal metal frame for the process of:
a) Bath immersion in sodium hypochlorite chlorine to clear contaminants enzymes.
b) Cleaning for a good brushing and scrubbing potatoes, removing debris and dirt
c) Review with a final rinse washing for removal of excess chlorine in the potato.
Each sink or pan should contain separate showers and their respective drains. The unit should lead to capacity in the process of 120/150 kg of potatoes per cycle. Size: 2.40/2.60 meters long, so you can meet the needs for this unit of production.
Process Recommendations: a) The type of potato to use as raw material is vital, select potatoes with low water content, such as Bintje, thin-shelled or Dutch. Learn in practice, only the court recognize.
b) Respond to washing and brushing criteria, and the dosage of chlorine in 65/80 ppm, depending on the type of potato and its previous storage state.
c) There are several markets that prefer the fries with skins (thin shell) in this case washing and sanitary must be redoubled.
d) It is very important to remove and discard any potatoes with symptoms or signs of contamination or unsuitable for the process, remember that the strength of the proposal is natural fries and your business depends on quality.
02. Potato Peeler husker : electrically operated equipment, the operation for shelled or peeled potatoes, is abrasive action of parts installed inside and called all abrasive, porous pieces appropriate to the function.
electric machine equipped with ¼ engine. This function can be performed by manual operators, for this is necessary to take into account that 03 people are needed to perform the task, depending on the value of labor, or the number of components of the factory, is a decision to be considered, in units of 100 kg is feasible and appropriate hand peelers.
Process Recommendations:
a) The peeled potatoes are the bottleneck in the manufacturing process, is the delayed in the supply line, and is the first step in the production, make sure you have the raw materials early, to kick off the activities of his small factory.
b) is also important to note, that the pope can not be exposed to the environment, once peeled should be placed in buckets or trays with water until time for fries.
c) Preservatives, this is advisable, to a solution of lemon as a natural preservative (citric acid), 2.5%. Before frying, thus increasing the life in gondolas, shelves.
d) In small factories, is usually the application of a salt solution 1.0 / 1.5 % Which also acts as a preservative and helps resting release the water contained therein.
e) Adds a sugar solution 0.5% to maintain, enhances the golden color and crunchy texture. But for this last, it is necessary to test the pope, who because of their content and reducing sugars in potatoes, can lead and make the potato is burned, is where the hand lies, secrets and proprietary technologies of industrial micro .
03. Potato cutter interchangeable: Teams are manuals, mechanical action with interchangeable cutting blades for cutting type chips, stick or wire type of potato to use operation on the base. This equipment is usually already built into the machine from frying potatoes, but in some small factories is used to help the cutter of the machine, or a greater number of cases, is to cut the potatoes and set up a second production line is cutting machine different from the treatment or manufacturing.
Process Recommendations:
a) Cut the potatoes are washed in running water for removing the excess starch on the surface caused by the cut, but along with that will prevent them from sticking as it fries.
b) To prevent the potatoes from browning and frying, what happens with some varieties containing its high reducing sugar, antioxidant treatment is carried out based on sodium bisulfite goal with a solution of 02%, preferably at a temperature of 60/70 ° C. for a period of 45-60 seconds.
c) is used this line of production for colorful potatoes, based on natural products, which are submerged in this solution colorful as achiote (urucú), anatta, turmeric (saffron land), beets (beet ) and others.
04. Potato Chips Machine: Here just a cutting machine and fried potatoes in a compact unit, built in stainless steel 430, which is equipped with a frying pan or tank potatoes 24 inch enameled or stainless steel, gas-fired high-pressure, thermometer for temperature control, attached with drainer tray stainless steel, machine-cut fries and incorporated into the unit, with manual cutting .
With capacity of 100 to 550 kg of potatoes per day.
refer to larger units proposed. Recommendations
Process:. . . . >
SALON ENTREPRENEUR Paraguay-Argentina-Brazil-Chile-Ecuador-Venezuela
Costa Rica
Headquarters: São Paulo, Brazil
55-11-2404-0441 Fax. 55-11-2404-0441
Mr. Luis Quezada, Director
salonemprendedor@yahoo.com MSN: salonemprendedor@hotmail.com
http://salonemprendedor.blogspot.com/ http://salonemprendedor.wordpress.com/