Wednesday, March 19, 2008

What Happend With Javtalk

Who is the real friend? Soledad

Why do you wonder if others are friends or not?

There is a proverb: "A friend in need is a friend indeed." But deep down that is selfish! That's not friendship, it is not love . You want to use others as a means, and no man is, every man is an end in itself. Why do you care so much who is a true friend?

The real question is: " Am I really someone's friend? "

You know what is friendship? It is the highest form of love. In love, there must necessarily be something of lust in friendship there is nothing like the rude, Obsoletely becomes subtle.

is not a question of using other, or even need, it is about sharing. You have too much and wanted to share. And whoever is willing to share with you your joy, your dance, your song, you'll be grateful, I feel indebted to him. Not that he owes you, not that he has to feel grateful to you for having given so much. A friend never thinks that way; a friend will always feel grateful to those who allow them love, give them whatever they have.

Osho Reflections on the relationship ... beautiful!


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