Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Ipods And Phones Stolen At Schools 2010

The knight and the dragon

Ademir Jesus Morales Rojas

sincere tribute to the heroism of Either way, this play is suspected by the straight path, very likely, that trace the weapon of the knight to the dragon's body. And that ultimately accounts, both the "essentially" human, instinctive as "reprehensible" by Paolo Uccello are sketched with the same fine line. ***

Ultimately, the dragons never existed: they are a mere product of human fantasy. In such a way that San Jorge, it may be fighting the wind alone. This says a lot about the lack of substance, much of human actions. What if such a foundation lastrante perhaps, but a chameleon is not the beast ruse to confuse us, and prevent the exploit of a (mis) conduct full and open alternatives to full and diverse to be? If this were true, We the courage to wield the spear in depth? ***

It further about whether or not the San Jorge de Uccello is accurate awareness of the chimerical nature of his opponent. If so, we would then face an unprecedented quixotic ahead of its time, clean and inspiring idealism. But if on the contrary San Jorge knows the virtue of his enemy, and still strives to continue to drill, its assigned role, with the pure desire to leave the system in your environment, we would have here, an unexpected prediction of our Today, that probably would not have tolerated Uccello. As gray as to the future, certainly would have preferred to finalize all throwing his hero, for food of dreams, in those great jaws. ***

Paolo Uccello may hesitate long in deciding on which of the two adversaries, the protagonists of his famous painting, drawing in secret the features of his face and signature. Surely the brothel went to confession, and again, in order to finally choose. And took so long, forgotten until the end itself, in which one was fixed. Today only the name of artistic genius lives on, because man, Paolo Uccello, unfortunately, in the words of Vasari, "ended his days, lonely, eccentric, melancholy and poor"

*** Note in this work of Uccello, and the side of the Dragon is the light, a woman, cultivated fields and a city, in short, the very possibility of life. On the side of the knight, however, dark, barren land, the open mouth of a cave ready to loneliness and helplessness, that is, the evil side of life. In this way, you may question, what was the ultimate message here with him that he wanted to warn the Italian Renaissance? And then so, who is the real enemy to be defeated? ***

A voracious dragon makes its nest close to the source that supplies a large city. Because this dire situation, citizens were forced to distract the beast every day away from its source, and get water. To accomplish this, every day sacrificed a victim raffled among the inhabitants. On one occasion, was selected the beautiful local princess. The king, desperate father, unsuccessfully sought clemency. When the girl is about to be devoured by the ruthless beast, the hero appears San Jorge, who arrived there from distant lands, attracted by the famous beauty of the princess. Armed with his legendary spear and his white steed, and after a hard fight, St. George defeats the Dragon. When the champion fatigued but full of hope, prepares to take his prize, he finds a nasty surprise: Princess rotate the view, snubbing with cold disdain. One can imagine then to San Jorge, the invincible one thousand battles, quick to surrender voluntarily to the clutches of the Emperor Diocletian, the murderer of Christians. Surely then, neither the long and painful process of the many torture or to see in the last second, the executioner's ax approaching unwavering until his neck, none of this was so egregious as to suffer the savage grin of that indomitable, the from him without mercy, forever.

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Ademir Jesus Morales Rojas. All rights reserved. More

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