Friday, April 20, 2007

Green And Pink On Tv Screen

Caravan of Light Spiritual Orgasm

me share with you some texts of Osho on Love which I find very interesting. The texts are pieces collected in "The Book of Sex" by Osho.

There are two ways to reach the divine: meditation ... I mean depth look without the other, alone ... and love , search Depth other, get to your real self through another person.

Osho explains that there is a difference between falling in love (fall in love) and rise in love. We fall in love for no more than biological issues. The momentum of sex makes us fall and almost always come into play jealousy. Jealousy is a sign that there is genuine love and concern with love as purely biological issue ... is an indication that there is no trust. Confidence can not be imposed, exists or not.

Rising in love is something totally different. It preciza some effort to start to rise, but that's it. This kind of love comes from silence, meditation. It is soft and has no strings. People are high on love each other more and more freedom and accept the other person as is, without wanting to change. They know that another person has his territory should not invade. There is full confidence and no room for jealousy. The depth of a person is with the depth of the other person ... the meeting be called . This type of love is a way to get yourself through another person ... is a way to reach the divine. Lovers help each other to reach it. To find such love must be to discover the love within you. And if you love, sooner or later will see the other person, because a loving heart sooner or later find another loving heart. Always the case.

1) physical orgasm for many people it is a burst of energy ... no longer a solitary act. Men think that orgasm is the ejaculation, but it is not. With ejaculation only lose energy. Very few people manage the actual physical orgasm, they have forgotten. The physical orgasm is a dance of energies, an ecstatic state of energy. The energy is converted into a stream that runs through the body: no something sexual, but physical. Every cell and every fiber of the body vibrates with that new joy. It rejuvenates and then comes a great calm.

2) psychological orgasm is when two minds come together and penetrate. When you allow someone who is very close to you - a friend, a lover, a son, a father, teacher, does not matter - when you allow someone so close in your mind that you begin to coincide, to penetrate.

3) spiritual orgasm is when you match two spirits, or two empty ... two zeros. It is the only way to really be with each other.

... clear could say a lot of love ... the words are wise, but wiser still put these things into practice . Having our own experiences and gradually move to a higher love ... no hurry ... being aware learn with each experience ... and that's what matters. Viva Love! ... Long live the discovery! Experience the Divine! Viva us!

I want a lot ... Joost


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