Thursday, September 6, 2007

Lafitte Museum Thibodaux

The Will to Love Small

Ademir Jesus Morales Rojas

"The conviction that the world and therefore man, are such that they should not exist, the way nature is full of indulgence for each other. What can be expected in fact, such kind of things? Sometimes I think the appropriate way to greet a man to man, instead of saying, sir, sir, etc., could be "fellow-sufferer or co-misery." Oddly enough this is just the expression, and recalls the need for tolerance, patience, forbearance, love, and that therefore each one is a debtor of something. "

------------------------------------- Arthur Schopenhauer Schopenhauer was returning
his spacious home, having been honored by the editors at the University of Frankfurt, by merit of the high sales of his latest work: a compilation volume of aphorisms.

While he had driven his carriage through snowy woods, the philosopher thought bitterly of how only, and in the twilight of his life, began to be heard with attention.

would seem that the unfortunate truth of existence, that painful certainty that cost him a lifetime for it to be manifest through a systematic approach based, that very truth of life, yes, it was only tolerable for the masses, assuming it sideways, and disguised in the comfortable and elegant simplification of the aphoristic and anecdotal.

The driver of her carriage horses did stop momentarily to allow passage of a line of children engaged in a playful snowball tour and laughter. Schopenhauer on looking meditated on his own childhood gray, isolated and tense. Lived in dark rooms, crammed with books and tutors stifling cold and efficient. Supervised by a very strict father, but fair, and a mother who never accepted Arthur, really.

I had railed at him, teasing and rejection of the youngsters, because of its unusual maturity of character, his inexperience in the game and try to kid!
But from a young age, the seed of their world view of that world shaped by a blind desire and false representations, germinating in his tormented conscience.

was not very different from his youth, thought a little later, when her carriage had gone into the city and pass on their way next to a large function room full of suitors in evening dress and their nubile companions, radiating smiles, sheathed in luxurious gowns.

"In what way the blind their lack of perspective, its lack of candor with respect to the recognition of the futility of their actions. If anything accepted, a silent abyss of drives which moves towards each other! Let all the makeup and ornaments, music and manners, but accessories are not merely biological function ... "

Schopenhauer had already been widely discussed arguments with evidence.
What happened to "The World as Will and Representation" his masterpiece? Well, that had been ignored, and in this way, all his theoretical work, the weary reviews, consultations, readings, had paid nothing for an audience uncouth, anxious dialectic and phenomenology. In what way had been marginalized! What had been empty classroom during their lessons at the School, while the gross instead of Hegel, and the auditorium full of young people smiling and hopeful, committed to the discourse about a totalizing reason, in fact, Schopenhauer thought, self-indulgent and useless. Young audience, young, like those fools who smiled gallantly love their partners and are excited about the imminence of the next dance. Schopenhauer thought in particular youth, marked by shyness and kissing the girl never entertained any. The pride of his high spirit never allowed provided the common talk, the jovial occurrence, the gallant joke. His only possible approach towards women, almost took place when a time when the young disciple of his Faculty, Friedrich ..., to win their appreciation, had invited him to a filthy brothel. The modest teacher Schopenhauer, had not accepted (although at the very bottom would have loved to attend) and then saved from further suspicion that brilliant, but eccentric disciple, who roamed the desolate areas of the University monologue about the tragedy and its origins on ultra-men and other figments of thought.

The love of women was simply not at their level, Schopenhauer thought, so he might be able to discuss it with scientific precision, as he dissects a wild creature to study its internal structure. "A mere process of the manifestation of the will hidden from the world, just that and nothing more." Judgement mentally.

He arrived at last to his home in Frankfurt. Descended from the carriage without thanking the driver. He entered the house. A message from Henrietta housekeeper informing him about that he had finished his chores smoothly, and that tomorrow would timely return. Arthur Schopenhauer folded the paper and tossed it into a basket. So he preferred to conduct themselves with servants, and all men if anything were possible, interacting at least, talking little, living apart cultivating wisdom and constant reflection.

Then something unusual startled him. Reached into several rooms, apparently unsuccessfully. Nils, his German shepherd dog, was not in sight. It was the only being whom Schopenhauer believed. His companion of solitude and silence. Nils seemed unwilling to answer their calls. Schopenhauer reviewed at length in the snowy garden. Finally located the animal, in your cabin with the muzzle placed on his pillow, lay dead in the cold.
Schopenhauer was stunned by the incident, it did confirm, inspected the rigid body and over again, waiting for a sign of life, a hope forgotten, but there was no such. He took the dog's lifeless head, his hands trembling. A deep pain pierced her heart. Inside held a great battle. Some tears fell down his face exhausted, senile, but struggled to put back, he endeavored to do so.
"None of this happens as such is only a smokescreen, the findings lead us to become clear, I can not falter!"
But how to bring logic to the memory of those tender bark of dependency, when Nils was filled with joy to see him arrive from the hostile world, and bravely entered her quiet haven of simple, through crazy racing around and wet fondling, hurrying offered to lick his hands trembling old man? How
transmute into syllogisms those calm evenings, when studying Schopenhauer in his chair feeling the warm body of Nils nestled in her lap, happy just to accompany him in a gentle sleep?

His face twitched. Cold pressed body inert dog, made a last desperate attempt to understand rationally to assimilate the loss, the immense pain that overwhelmed him.
"Not feeling, not thinking, not to collapse before the direct contact that will have both studied unstoppable. I have trained hard to become aware of this moment, the moment you finally feel the full force of his drive compelling, embracing my soul until exhaustion. "
" Nils Oh, my faithful Nils ...! "Then

without more, will the dam broke his integrity and strength of reasons and thoughts. It dropped to a free sadness, a sense I regret unimpeded flow to the singular will now expressing his true intention incomprehensible, impossible theorizing, provided only assume the pain of loss, loved outburst. Regardless

fierce snow began to fall, long sought a suitable place to bury the body of your dog. He remained there for a long time, looking to convey, given his own will, his loyal companion, through the snow and wet stones which had already covered.

Night came.

*** The next morning arrived at the residence early silent Henrietta. Schopenhauer found dead on the couch. In the face of the philosopher still noticed a slight smile. Embraced in his hands wearing the pillow cold your dog, same as when I retired Henrietta slipped and fell without a sound, and stood on the carpeted floor.
He stood there in peace.

Ademir Copyright © Jesús Morales Rojas. All rights reserved.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Does Icecream Soothe Heartburn

The Well of Wishes No Hang

In a magical place
the sacred mountain of Montserrat
I found a pit of liquid
I dropped a coin into the water with love
and I were all my wishes

Suddenly I realized
that existence is perfect in
accepting life as it is sometimes
down and sometimes up
but always tuning into the heart

And there is nothing to be desired
know for sure that everything will
at the right time
that's what I
showed well sage desires non

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Neck Tie For Resturant

essay on David Lynch

Ademir Jesus Morales Rojas


... David Lynch, of the House of Buñuel, and Jodorowsky, the vast Bergman and Tarkovsky, loves it , put in check all common sense, to sit on, or communicated. And cleverly attacks Lynch, attached to the walls of the citadel delirium, Dite our deepest inferos. Here
wants emphasized, that this particular mood of this film director, and set out from their first attempts, one of the most brilliant and disturbing, the film The alphabet of the year 1967-1968 (final year in many ways) ... .

Follow the little essay on David Lynch: Lynch /

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