Tuesday, June 19, 2007

What Is The Long White Strands In My Poop

On Saturday 30 June at 15:49 is again full moon. For a lunatic like me are a lot of magic moments ... I love feeling the energy of a full moon. Surely I'll be at the beach this day to enjoy the effects of its energy and visual pleasure of looking.

Here is a poem I wrote on 3 January this year inspired by the full moon was on ... a hug for everyone :-) Joost


magical night full moon Your light female

draw a path in the dark blue sea

unequivocal invitation to walk close to you go on

waves and then you leap to become one

how not fall in love?
as much energy pure and holy
that connects me to my deepest being
your shining light and your beauty
mystifies me

and start listening
displayed elves and fairies that dance
thousand voices sing sweet let me

with the sensations and you begin to vibrate and I

Sunday, June 17, 2007

How Do Units Of Insulin Equate To Cc's?

The Full Moon Death and Love

dies young in a road accident on the N-232, passing through Pedrola

EUROPE 14/06/2007

PRESS A young man has died this afternoon in a traffic accident occurred in the N-232, in the municipality of Pedrola, according to sources of The Delegation of Aragón Government. This is Luis Angel PM, 22-year-old neighbor Zaragoza.

The accident occurred on 15.00 hours, at Km 275.800 of the N-232. The young man driving a van, registration Z-6676-BM, which collided head on with a truck license plate 5251-BBY. The driver was unscathed. --------------------------------------------

This is the news which appeared in the newspaper a day after the accident on the N-232 Zaragoza around where I witnessed up close. Driving on my scooter Kymco 125 cc (I gave the name "Roscinante" on the bike) and was a little tired of driving hundreds of kilometers (coming from Santander) between giant trucks. He had a van and a truck in front when suddenly behind me to get out of town the van Pedrola clashes on the side of a truck driver from the opposite side. Everything went very fast ! ... the van was gone, the truck crossed the road emitting smoke and pieces of metal and plastic ... smelled of burnt rubber and brake as I looked in the mirror of my scooter when the truck behind me not too close. As this is a miracle for my scooter is just a few feet in front of the truck destroyed and no piece of metal hit me ... I am convinced my blue labradorite pendant created a protective circle around me that nothing happened.

With heart a thousand and grateful to be just park the bike 30 meters beyond looking at the truck and the van. The truck driver left his car screaming and crying at once with his face full of fright ... is with the "shock" of the accident. Directed my attention to the van. Is totally destroyed and almost nothing left in the driver's side. As I approached it I see that your driver is trapped in the wreckage of metal and breathing, although it is more dead than alive. I tell another person who is beside me please urgently requesting an ambulance to come. I make a big effort by looking at the horror of this person suffered serious injuries, his face completely deformed. I speak and say that the ambulance is already trying to breathe calmly. You out of there and everything will be fine. I do not know if the kid listens to me, but he is still struggling to survive for many minutes. Then comes the police and the ambulance (even came a helicopter) and decided to leave with my heart aching and tears on my face to see so much suffering and horror. is extremely difficult to continue offering your support in these circumstances ... I admire tremendously support services (police, ambulance, fire) that dealing with these types of serious injuries in traffic accidents with incredible composure and patience. At the end I find in the newspaper a day after the boy was driving the van was 22 and named Luis Angel and ultimately his soul left his body. Their energies will now certainly be united with the universal energies ...

At times like this you realize that everything is inpermanente . Most of us regard life as something that never ends, as something that will last forever. But we know that is close your eyes to what they fear most: death. We left the project for tomorrow, we make our dreams by believing that we will have another chance, a lot of money saved for later use, do not tell our loved ones important things that live in our hearts for always creeamos is not the right time, we delayed the trip and visit a relative or friend live far from us ... always have a good excuse for it. But life is not good inpermanente and save everything for tomorrow. It is better to use the here and now for your projects, saying things, living the dream ... with love, always MUCH LOVE.

as the great Sufi poet Kabir, " Love is the pause between life and death ".

How To Fill A Ziploc Bag With Hcl And Naking Soda

Vipassana: 6 weeks

At first we isolate some 50/60 people in a beautiful place at the foot of Montseny (mountain about 40 km from Barcelona) to make a withdrawal "silence" of 10 days . We were taught the basis of Vipassana meditation. The experience was very interesting, groundbreaking. In two previous letters you can read about it (links below this article!).

A few people who we made the course / retreat emails we signed up and started to write. Publish down these words of introduction to what has been written in one of these emails one of those who participated in the retirement. I think perfectly sums up what the vipassana can mean ... the effect it can have on a ... BEAUTIFUL! Viva

personal growth! Long live love ! Viva la freedom and responsibility for their own life! Enjoy a pleasant life and a life of acceptance ! Experience the essence discover their ! Viva to realize that your essence and the universe is the same thing! Viva mystery and magic of life!

says our friend
removal (called Jordá ) in your email:

" for my pleasure is neither good nor bad (it's a wonder!) ... So if it's a little more "creative negativity" is the attachment to it, that is, I believe that one does not go against savoring Life ... what happens is that if one holds on to what you want so that when it fails you feel sick and unconscious reactions slave ... then we start the reaction slavery and out of living life as it is (as well as experience the pleasure as it is!).

I remember when Mr. Goenka said, "I have thirst (desire), fetch water to quench thirst (desire) is not bad, but necessary! What if it is not so good is that if the fetching I see that water is over ... I lose my balance and inner quiet and I get anxious ... Where is the aguaaaa! This is where vipassana "acts" ... not be a slave to the reactions and equilibrium still and accepting what is as it is .

And what of the mind ... Is the same! We mind and its function is to think everything you can think of (the most fantastic and most horrible !)... that is their nature! There is nothing wrong with that ... so if that is more disturbing is when we identify with the thoughts we have ... I have many thoughts but I am not those thoughts ... I am more! What am I? mmmmmm! So if you have thoughts bla, bla, bla ... if negative, if A, B and Z. .. because to me what I am doing very well is to accept that is my mind that makes all that, that is their nature ... how the body is in pain ... head has knots of mind ... Well, that's right. :) I have body and mind ... I have, but I'm just not that! When one accepts the aspect of "unpleasant" body and mind one does not fight against it and no longer gives more importance and power ... so that on their own and without fighting all the knots are undone by themselves ... and little by little, what a great adventure, we discover what we are in essence. "
and added in another email:

"I want you all go very well, or better said ... that you go how you should go, either good or bad, as it is:)) And even though you do not take (like me) the firm determination to ponder ... that you may be able to love ourselves and everyone vosotos, which for me is the most important! love ... that is, accepting things as they are ... with the "good" and "bad" ! "

Jordá Wise words I can not stop sharing with you all ... I thank you greatly for Jordan.

I send to all vibrations of love and a big hug ... Joost

Other contributions on Vipassana :
- Silent Meditation (vipassana personal experience)
- Vipassana (introduction to what is vipassana)
- official Web
Vipassana Meditation - Dhamma Neru Vipassana center in Spain
- List Vipassana retreats in country places "English speakers"